島キッチン 島キッチン 島キッチン 島キッチン

  • 大きな地図で見る


    Shima Kitchen is a restaurant that connects people through “Food and Art”. It was reconstructed into a restaurant from a vacant house by the work of Architect Ryo Abe during Setouchi International Art Festival 2010. Here, we know you will appreciate the delicacy of Teshima’s food.

    All sort of cultural workshops and various art events ranging from live to reading will be held during Holidays (Golden Week, Summer Vacation) in the open terrace.
    We want Shima Kitchen to become a Teshima’s platform for the visitors to enjoy open-minded conversations and food together and feel free to cheer and dance.

    • Address : 1061,Teshimakarato, Tonosho-cho Shozu-gun, Kagawa, 761-4662, Japan
    • Open days : Saturday/Sunday/Monday/Holidays
    • Close day : Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday
    • Open hours: LUNCH 11:00~14:00 CAFE 11:00〜15:30

    Open Day Calendar(te10 Shima Kitchen | Ryo Abe)


    Please view Teshima Tourist Navi



    *Tax included.


    • Shima Kitchen Set(Shima Special) : ¥1,760
      [Appetizer・Salad・Soup・Main Dish(Fish)・Rice・Pickles]
      We use fresh seasonable locality vegetables and fish.
      *We sometimes use ingredients from different locals for Main Dish due to the stock condition.
    • Keema Curry Set : ¥1,430
      [Appetizer・Salad・Soup・Curry(Minced chiken)・Rice・Pickles]
      Shima Kitchen’s special: Tasty and a bit spicy curry with fresh vegetables. Keema curry is a collaboration menu by Shima Kitchen’s homely and heartful local mothers and the chef of Marunouchi Hotel.


    • Seasonal Drink : ¥600
      (Made from fresh fruits from Teshima)
    • Drinks ¥440〜


    • Seasonal Dessert : ¥450~
    • Sharebet : ¥380

    Lunch Box 
    -Reservation only
    -We accept orders starting from 5 meals.
    -Please be sure to eat at the terrace of Shima Kitchen or inside Teshima.

    • Lunch Box : ¥1,000
    • Lunch Box with homemade soup : ¥1,400

    For reservations

    Regarding the information of servicing, please check the detail below:

    https://setouchi-artfest.jp/en/artworks-calendar.html (te10 Shima Kitchen | Ryo Abe)

    How to make a reservation

    • All reservations must be made at least 2 days prior to your visit.
    • Via online booking
      Please book from the link below.
    • Via telephone (Japanese only)
      0879-68-3771(business hour 9:00~11:00 15:00~18:00)
      Please inform us the date, meal preferred, name, phone number( which we can contact on the day), email address etc.


    Should you have any enquiries, please contact us by e-mail.

    Updates about business hours, etc, will be announced on our website.

    E-mail: shimakitchen@gmail.com

    Tel: 0879−68−3771 (Tel: 15:00〜18:00)